Niqab for boys is the new fashion to hit London streets

posted under , , , , , by Mehedi
TimesOnline newspaper titled it: ‘Burqa for boys’ becomes new hoodie fashion.
Metro called it: New 'gas mask' hoodies 'intimidating'.

Anyone who feels intimidated by youths wearing hoodies or can't communicate to somone without looking at their face like mr. jack straw (who by the way must be finding it really difficult to speak on the phone or responding to emails) should probably look away now - it's the goggle jacket.

It looks like a gas mask, cost around £70, unless it's designed by Armani and Stone Island, which is around £600. They are selling like crazy and most places sold out.

Police says the jackets are totally legal. 'A hat, scarf and glasses combination could obscure someone's identity so there are no powers to stop people wearing these jackets,' they said.

Wonder why they make it as though wearing niqab is illegal?


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